Group project for International Marketing course at Graduate School of Management SPbU

Consumer behaviour in Russia according to Nielsen online survey

Nielsen Online Survey conducted last year revealed some very interesting facts about Russian consumers´ behaviour and shopping habits. Some of them might help us decide about packaging and distribution. Let´s take a look.

  1. It might be surprising but Russian shoppers do love new products and innovations. 76 % of Russian consomers who participated in a test are interested in trying new products.  38 % of them even frequently notice new products on the shelves, while average is 29 %. In fact, 23 % consider product variety as the most important factor when deciding where to shop.
  2. Shoppers love their tried-and-true brands and posses strong brand loyalty. Many of them know which brands they will purchase before entering the store. 43 % are loyal in most cathegories. Private-label store brands have less success in Russia than in other coutnries.

  3. Family remains very important in Russian´s life and it affects shopping habits. More than half of respondents shop regularly for the whole family which is more than average. Compatatively one third shop just for themselves. Cultivating loyalty among generations should be a strategic priority for FMCG brands.
  4. Think shortem! The vast majority of Russians shop for products they intentd to use only shortterm. Only 5 % shop for future use and need. 25 % shop to satisfy an immediate need and almost half shop to buy things to use that day.

  5. Russian consumers mostly see shopping as an unavoidable chore: 65 % call it routine (compared with 53 % globally) while only 16 % consider it enjoyable (26 % globally).

    What are the most important conlcusions for Shakedowns? :)
  1. Russian do like to try new products - we can emphasize that it is a new product on its packaging and via viral advertisements.
  2. Russians are loyal consumers - might be opportunity for emotional positioning - bringing positive emotions together with our products could help us acquire those loyal consumers.
  3. Russians shop for shorterm - we should offer smaller packaging and make shakedowns to go product available in small shops.
  4. Russians do not like grocery shopping - need to improve in-store experience and make it enjoyable. We can design creative and appealing store displays.

    And what is your opinion? Do you agree with these conclusions? Would you add something else? Thank you for your feedback!


Unknown řekl(a)...

Hello! I must say the results of the survey is really interesting! I completely agree with all of yours 4 conclusions. However, I would like to add that in the survey it was emphasized that more than half of people shop for the whole family. So in terms of packaging it's better to create also big ones, for the whole family to use. I also have a question about brand loyalty. Don't you think that for carrots, being a low-involvement products, will be hard to get brand loyalty?

Unknown řekl(a)...

You have a very good point about the brand loyalty. Yes, people usually do not care what carrots they buy and cannot see the difference between producers. However, if we position baby carrots as very unique (in terms of carrots plus seasoning together) and emotional product in people´s mind we could achieve some loyal consumers. What do you think?

Unknown řekl(a)...

Yes, I think it's a good idea! Positioning on emotions really can create brand engagement! However, I do think that it will be more difficult than if we were talking about cars, you know! So I believe emotional positioning can work only together with other aspects of positioning (for e.x. I really like your positioning of the product as healthy snack! I'd buy it! :)

Anonymní řekl(a)...

Hello! The post is really interesting and I believe that the conclusions really mirror the Russian reality!
Do you have any information about consumers attitude to different promos? I mean something like "buy two - get one more for free", "buy this product and get that one as the present"? Probably, at the first stage of launching some strategies like that can be used to make the consumer see the product and buy it...what do you think?

Unknown řekl(a)...

I think you are right. After lunching the product - we can actually have some trial period for customers and offer them these benefit (lets say cca 2 months) after that, we can focus on loyalty and social promotion. Thanks for your feedback:)
