Group project for International Marketing course at Graduate School of Management SPbU
Hello everyone!
I hope you are enjoying these beautiful days:) Since we got feedback from our IM teacher, we would like to answer questions that appeared there.
1. questions was about our target group. are we implying external or rather internal motivation of our target group?
Actually, we are implying both. We want people to try our Shakedowns and then buy them regularly because they like - mainly because they make them feel good and they like the taste. Our target group are young people who want to follow healthy lifestyle, but on the other hand they see eating just veggies as "boring" and they crave real full taste. That is their internal motivation.
And for external motivation, we are using our marketing tools as described in the presentation. We think it is crucial to let people know about our product in the store. IWe believe that we chose attractive way how to do it - stickers on the floor, shelf talkers, advertising stands....If people like our POS, they might also try our product. So the aim of these POS communication is to draw customer´s attention during shopping and also make it fun for them (as we already know, Russians do see grocery shopping as boring and unavoidable activity rather than enjoyable.)
2. Pricing is demonstrated in comparison to junk food - however there is a wider circle of substitutes, including the healthy ones.
This is not true. As you saw in the presentation, we went to the stores and compared both JUNK FOOD and HEALTHY food options. Then we made several tables, and did some calcualtions (e.g. average prices of all the groups - carrots, salads, junk food) and after that we set up a price range for our product. See also the article here about the product price. We are sorry for this misunderstanding.
You can find our final presentation Here.
úterý, června 03, 2014 | | 0 Comments
Another tough decision was distribution. At first, we thought that we would cooperate with bigger stores as Lenta and offer e.g. 5-packs etc...But during our presentation, we had many suggestions that it would be actually better to have "to go product".... And after reading some interesting analyses that we also published here (e.g. Nielsen) we learnt that Russian consumers actually differs from American in shopping habits...American love to shop in huge shopping malls (Walmart, Costco etc) and they are used to buy big amounts of food for longer period. On the other hand, Russians are used to go to small "corner shops" and buy for shorterm period.
Based on previous conclusions, we decided to make our product available in those small shops - e.g. Dixie, Perekrostok...and our another idea are healthy chains - as we found: Prime or Fhresh & Co salad bar.
We would also like to make Shakedowns available in vending machines, because we want people to have healthy snack choices everywehre at every time. We also would focus on universities, hospitals etc...
středa, května 28, 2014 | | 2 Comments
Hot news, hot topics, news everyone is talking about!
We really appreciate our readers and our customers and we decided to prepare a surprise for you! Are you excited? You have no idea what it is? Just read more!
Our headquaters enabled us to spend more time with you and organize two special events just for you! Be sure you will be provided with the best services you deserve, our tasty products and detailed information about our products. Our stands are open and shakedowns are ready to be eaten! Shake down!
FIRSTLY we will celebrate EAT YOUR VEGATABLES DAY! Coming soon! 17th June!
Every year on 17th of June is Eat Your Vegetable Day. It falls in the middle of "National Fruit and Vegetable Month."The goal of the day is to have a vegetable with every meal, and to also have a vegetable as a snack during the day. The age does not play any role. This day is going to be full of interesting games and practical experiments for everybody. This day offers a way how to enjoy preparing the vegetable dish, find new recipes and you will learn how to handle with vegatable in a funny and interesting way!
And remember there are no excusses for anyone not having veggies on the 17th of June!!!
Do not hesitate and come to visit United Carrots stands of the Bolthouse farms! International Carrot day is coming to Petersburg! Next year even you can be present there! The International Carrot day is celebrated every year on April the 4th and is the pinnacle for carrot lovers around the world, and not only for them. It is a day when the carrot is celebrated through carrot parties and other carrot related festivities.
Join the fun, listen to the carrot anthem and celebrate the Carrot Day yourself! We are looking forward to seeing you! Cranch your crawings!
středa, května 28, 2014 | | 0 Comments
Promotion Strategy...
It is about time to reveal our promotion strategy:) We are basicly focusing on two most important things:
- Social Media Promotion
- In-store activation & Events.
Another channel is Youtube. On youtube we would post our videos and let people share them viral. Also, we were thinking about recording videos by ourselves describing how to cook our meal = videorecipes.
The very last part are events. We will have two events per year. First one - international carrot day is in April and we are plannin to have our samples available in the stores, telling people about this day and that they should try our product, offering cupons etc.. Second one is in June and it is eat your vegetables day. We are going to do the same stuff and we can also include some information about health prevency.
We actually created two options and we actually cannot decide between them.
- „Вкуснее хруста нет“
- „Захрусти голод“ Which one do you like? What is your advice?? Thank you.
úterý, května 27, 2014 | | 1 Comments
Pricing of our product II
We are back and today we will provide you more advices about under pricing and over pricing of your products. We also decided to reveal part of our pricing strategy which price we finally choose and how we did it! So wait for it!
Firstly we must realise what we want to achieve with our pricing strategy. We want to make money and generate enough revenue to keep our business running and expand our business in future. We should also realize that the selling price is a function of our ability to sell and nothing else. At the same time you must be aware of the risks which accompany making poor pricing decisions. There are two main pitfalls we can encounter
- over pricing - it can be just as detrimental since the buyer is always going to be looking at your competitors pricing. Pricing beyond the customer's desire to pay can also decrease sales. We must be aware of the fact - some people tempt to price too high, because they think they have to cover all the expenses of people who for them, the lease, the initial costs. However we must put ourself in the customer's shoes and decide what is the fair price for us. To get feedback from customers is also recommended, just small questionnare whether they were satisfied with pricing or not.
- under pricing - pricing a product too low can have a disastrous impact and effect on our product as well as over pricing our product. Many of the business owners believe this is the way they should price their products and they ought to do in down economy. Actually under pricing of your products to convince your customers is in many cases simply perceived as cheap. We must remember that consumer want to feel that they get their "moneys worth". And most of our customers are unwilling to purchase from a seller they believe to have a less value.
And so we are! All customers behaviour is in some details similar
Tables are supported also by some current carrot products, chips and snacks which are nowadays available on the Russian market.

úterý, května 27, 2014 | | 1 Comments
Pricing of our product
One of the secrets to business is pricing your products properly. It is probably the toughest thing there is to do.
"It is a part art and part science."

4) Know Your Costs
We wish you good luck! And see you here next time! Read our blog and crunch your crawings!
pondělí, května 26, 2014 | | 3 Comments
Hello everybody, we have discussed some market and consumer issues and it is time to think about our OGSM. What does OGSM stand for? It stands for Objetive, Goals, Strategies and Measures. Why is it necessary for us to create it? Because we need some strategic planning. And OGSM is a powerful tool how to prioritize our goals. And also it transforms our strategic goals into a clear, executable plan that can be easily tracked.
Objectives are what we need to achieve. In our case, we need to launch new healthy product onto the Russian Market and acquire loyal customers. Simple:)
Goals also represents what we need to achieve but in more specific way - numbers. We would like to have 1,5 % market share within a year and 3 % of market share within two years.
Strategies are the choices we will make to achieve our objectives and goals. We found these:
- Introduce new trendy option of healthy eating,
- Draw customers´ attention and let them try our product,
- In-store activation and attraction,
- Built loyalty.
pondělí, května 26, 2014 | | 0 Comments
Building our Brand Essence Pyramid
We designed the Brand Pyramid to help us develop our brand essence and define our brand equity. Let's take a look. The Brand Pyramid consists of 5 parts :
- First and the lowest part of the pyramid actually looks at the attributes of our brand and product. The main question here is: What are the tangible things that form our business?? What are the things that contribute to our brand? In our case we are delivering fresh baby cut carrots with natural seasoning. Very special feature on your product is the packaging - mainly the seasoning part. We are trying to keep our packaging fun and functional at the same time. Also, we would not be able to deliver our product without partnerships with special chains and shops. The last thing is POS promotion. We are trying to draw our consumer´s attention via various POS materials at store (Buy one get one for free packs, leaflets, posters, advertising stands). And of course our enthusiastic staff and processes.
- The second part of the pyramid focuses on the functional benefits that our product deliver. They are tangible and rational benefits that our consumer will experience when buying our product. For us it is definitely healthy, quick and tasty snack coming in two variants of taste.
- Third part is actually looking on emotional awards that our product brings to the consumers. It is about how do we want our consumers to feel when buying our product? In our case we want them to feel satisfied (crunch your cravings !!!) but at the same time good about the food decision they have just made and make them feel good about what they eat.
- Next part is about understanding our target audience. What are their values (and therefore needs) ? Our target consumer values staying in a good shape, enjoying life (and food) to its fullest, and since we are targeting young people, one of the most important values for them is having variety of choice, even when choosing a snack.
- The last part is the personality of our product. If our product was alive, how would we describe it? We think that shakedowns would be young, fun, cheerful, lively person that lives a very active life and wants to stay healthy and fit. And positive!!
Now, what are the three key words that desrcibe our product? According to us it is: Fun. Healthy. Tasty...snack:)
neděle, května 25, 2014 | | 0 Comments

- "SO WHAT? "
At the same time, carrots is one of the most favorite vegetables of Americans. So, we can conclude that problem lies not in the lack of sympathy toward the product, but somewhere else. Where? Researchers have discovered that carrots were associated only with the notion "healthy", when fast-food was strongly stuck to "funny". And "fun" always won over "healthy"! So problem was in a consumer's perception.
First, use all the characteristics that beneficially distinguish carrots from the rest of the vegetables. Carrots have:
- interesting cone shape
- funny color
- it crunches!
So, it is perfect for snacks! And with all the healthy benefits it gives, we can easily win the competition in the market of quick snacks. The goal: to undertake "carrot jump" - make all country nosh with carrots.
The strategy turned out to be very successful. It provoked vibrant public reaction and boosted the sales.*
Now we should look at this strategy in terms of applicability for the Russian market. Should it be somehow adjusted? Should we target kids? In States kids and teens are more independent, have more pocket money, receive driving license earlier.. Are there any other differences we need to take in a consideration?
pátek, května 23, 2014 | | 4 Comments
Consumer behaviour in Russia according to Nielsen online survey
Nielsen Online Survey conducted last year revealed some very interesting facts about Russian consumers´ behaviour and shopping habits. Some of them might help us decide about packaging and distribution. Let´s take a look.
- It might be surprising but Russian shoppers do love new products and innovations. 76 % of Russian consomers who participated in a test are interested in trying new products. 38 % of them even frequently notice new products on the shelves, while average is 29 %. In fact, 23 % consider product variety as the most important factor when deciding where to shop.
- Shoppers love their tried-and-true brands and posses strong brand loyalty. Many of them know which brands they will purchase before entering the store. 43 % are loyal in most cathegories. Private-label store brands have less success in Russia than in other coutnries.
- Family remains very important in Russian´s life and it affects shopping habits. More than half of respondents shop regularly for the whole family which is more than average. Compatatively one third shop just for themselves. Cultivating loyalty among generations should be a strategic priority for FMCG brands.
- Think shortem! The vast majority of Russians shop for products they intentd to use only shortterm. Only 5 % shop for future use and need. 25 % shop to satisfy an immediate need and almost half shop to buy things to use that day.
- Russian consumers mostly see shopping as an unavoidable chore: 65 % call it routine (compared with 53 % globally) while only 16 % consider it enjoyable (26 % globally).
What are the most important conlcusions for Shakedowns? :)
- Russian do like to try new products - we can emphasize that it is a new product on its packaging and via viral advertisements.
- Russians are loyal consumers - might be opportunity for emotional positioning - bringing positive emotions together with our products could help us acquire those loyal consumers.
- Russians shop for shorterm - we should offer smaller packaging and make shakedowns to go product available in small shops.
- Russians do not like grocery shopping - need to improve in-store experience and make it enjoyable. We can design creative and appealing store displays.
And what is your opinion? Do you agree with these conclusions? Would you add something else? Thank you for your feedback!
neděle, května 18, 2014 | | 5 Comments